Free Workbook

Get Your Ideal Customer Workbook

Get your FREE Ideal Customer Workbook and find out what you need to know about them.


  • WHO your Ideal Customer is
  • WHAT motivates them
  • WHY they need you
  • HOW they live

will give you the edge to put your irresistable offer in front of them.

Enter your details below and get instant access to this valuable workbook today!

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    “I have worked personally with Chris and can testify to her great talent and dedication.

    In fact, the beginnings of my book Craft Your Genius Life all started with a simple ebook Chris helped me create.

    Over the past 2 years I’ve witnessed the vast range of her abilities. Each time I have a new project I quickly discover another skill she has or software she knows.

    No matter what your goals are, Chris can help you make them a reality!”


    San Fransisco, USA

    What you get:

    You will receive a downloadable 6 page workbook with over 50 questions to define your Ideal Customer.

    What is it all about?

    This workbook will take you through the steps to define your ideal customer.

    The more detail you provide in the workbook, the clearer the picture you will have of

    your ideal customer.

    When you understand:

    WHO they are

    WHAT they like

    WHERE they go

    you will be able to use this information in your attraction marketing efforts!

    Complete the workbook and you will focus on your customers needs and giving specific solutions to your audience.